Leslie Baunach
Hear from Leslie about ways to support students with ADHD that might surprise you.
We'll talk about the most persistent ADHD myths and why facts matter.
Leslie will talk about her experience with ADHD stigma and how she addresses this in her personal and professional life.
Alyson Kaneshiro, Ed.D, is the founder of Learning Specialist LLC and a learning specialist in Oakland, California.
With a varied background in education that spans 20 years, Alyson is passionate about designing equitable student support systems that center relationships and compassionate care.
She loves learning about the newest tech tools and gets excited about ways technology can bring creativity and innovation to her practice.
Beyond her work in schools and academia, she finds joy in practicing yoga, surfing Pacific waves on outrigger canoes, and embarking on pizza adventures in search of the “perfect” slice.
Feel free to spread the word and forward the link to anyone who you think might be interested – encourage your colleagues, friends, and fellow specialists to join us!
See you there!
Thursday, October 26 • 5pm PST/ 2pm HST
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